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Hey Duppies,
As you may know Tuesday 16th August, National Rum Day, was monumental for the Duppy Share. Not only did we have our enormous activation where we took you to the Caribbean (read about it here) but we also created a free rum hotline.
Dial-4-Duppy was alive for one day only, to allow the entire nation to celebrate National Rum Day with us. All you had to do was dial the line and ask Duppy to take you to the Caribbean (as well as leaving your name and address). 100 people were randomly selected and sent 6 free cans of our Pink Ting-A-Ling cocktail cans.
Sadly, not everyone could win but given the success of the hotline perhaps it may reappear in the future…
Until then, make sure you get your hands on our cans as they are UNBELIEVABLY good, you can buy them right here on the Duppy website.